James Lockhart has dedicated his life to assisting people who find themselves homeless, unemployed, lacking job search skills, and feeling hopeless. Through his various leadership positions within non-profit and governmental agencies, James has produced the life-changing coaching course called Straight Talk Series (STS). It is through this 10-week training that he has helped lift many people to […]
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Lynette Endresen as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Kenneth Richards as a Hometown Hero and award him with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Heather Wren as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Kacey Kroeger as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Pam Martinez as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Angela Fish as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Sally Carman as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Ginger Passarelli as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
1. Eligibility. KIRO Radio 97.3 FM (Contest Sponsor/the “Station”) Contests are governed generally by these rules unless other specific rules are made available for separate contests. Sponsor may change the dates and/or the terms of the Contest without prior notice. General Contest rules are broadcast over the air. Any material changes will be posted on […]
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Jenny Granger as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
KIRO Radio and your community credit union, WSECU are proud to honor Maureen Browning as a Hometown Hero and award her with $2,000 as a way to say thank you for all you do.
Nikki Couffer is a licensed veterinary tech and instructor at a local technical training center serving students from 44 different high schools. Nikki is passionate about the care and welfare of animals, and her students and fellow teachers find her dedicated, vivacious and spirited.
Todd McNeal, the father of six girls, and his wife have served as foster parents to over 100 children from our state. Child after child, Todd has become very familiar with what these children have experienced prior to reaching his home, which gave him an idea.
Katie Bright, a Pierce County mother of two, is WSECU's Hometown Hero for February. She is the founder of Pay It Forward Northwest, which helps connect families in need. Inspired after her family went through some difficult times, Katie started the group on Facebook to help families who have fallen on hard times or are struggling to make ends meet, says her husband.