Tom Kelly: Real Estate Today
Can you throw good money after bad in a hot market?
What does it mean to throw good money after bad in real estate? What about the idea “get in the door at any cost” now while you can?8 years ago
Tom Kelly
How to market a castle and other unique homes
Everybody knows local homes are flying off the market. Does the same hold true for a castle and other unique homes?8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Are parents moving closer to kids, grandkids?
Are baby boomers and retirees still moving close to an adult child or grand-children? With interest rates remaining low, is anybody buying a smaller home? Or, are they merely purchasing a nicer home? Join host Tom Kelly and Mark Gray, regional president of Shea Homes, as they discuss next-move options on “Real Estate Today” at […]8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Builders, lots and today’s market
Does every builder offer an extended warranty? What are the builders legal obligations?8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Bling vs. bones: How to best evaluate a home
Time is precious, especially when making a decision to buy one of the few homes on the market.8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Getting to your timeshare via a reverse mortgage
What many people have now — house, lifestyle, neighborhood, friends, church, club — is exactly what they’d like to keep.8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Getting to your timeshare via a reverse mortgage
The purpose of reverse mortgages has changed over the years and they are now also being used to support a more well-to-do routine.8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Desperation not always a component of real estate auction
Not all real estate auctions are sad and anxious moments synonymous with desperation and bankruptcy. For years, auctions have been a convenient, private and efficient method of moving inventory in a hurry—especially for companies that need to clear properties from their books by a specific date.8 years ago
Tom Kelly
Changing the tax status and moving to another property
As the April 18 deadline to file federal income taxes approaches, it’s a good idea to make a list of big-picture possibilities.9 years ago
Tax time: Don’t forget home energy deductions
Homeselfe includes flowcharts and other information to help homeowners determine whether they qualify for energy-related tax credits.
9 years ago
Tom Kelly
And the Oscars for features that help sell homes . . .
Homes with stainless steel appliances tend to sell 15 percent faster than other homes.