Jewelry bandits attempt getaway from police via stolen rowboat, until it sank

Dec 11, 2024, 6:25 AM

jewelry rowboat...

Two jewelry bandits swimming after their escape plan via rowboat failed. (Photo courtesy of Jefferson County Sheriff's Office via KIRO 7)

(Photo courtesy of Jefferson County Sheriff's Office via KIRO 7)

Two suspects are in custody after a burglary attempt ended with a failed escape by boat.

At approximately 8 a.m. Dec. 10, two thieves, a man and a woman, stole more than $11,000 worth of gold and jewelry from a storage container. The homeowner reported the robbery just after it happened to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, prompting an urgent response from department deputies. The suspects were spotted by the owner leaving in an SUV that had covered license plates.

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The owner of the stolen items tried to stop them by throwing firewood at the SUV, shattering a car window in the process, according to KIRO 7.

Kitsap County deputies eventually found the SUV rolled over near Port Gamble. The SUV allegedly flipped onto its roof during the crash, with the suspects running away on foot. According to KIRO 7, the sheriff’s department learned that the suspects stole a small rowboat in order to escape the police pursuit.

Unfortunately for the thieves, their escape plan didn’t work as the rowboat started sinking. The suspects had to swim back to land, with deputies waiting on the shore, ready to arrest them.

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The suspects were booked into Jefferson County Jail.

Contributing: KIRO 7

Frank Sumrall is a content editor at MyNorthwest. You can read his stories here and you can email him here.

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