Rantz: Gov. Jay Inslee called 40% of state ‘miscreants’ for disagreeing with him

Nov 21, 2024, 4:55 AM

Gov Jay Inslee...

Gov. Jay Inslee (Photo courtesy of KIRO 7)

(Photo courtesy of KIRO 7)

At a United Nations climate conference, Governor Jay Inslee had the audacity to reportedly call supporters of Initiative 2117 “miscreants” and later “climate deniers,” while his own rhetoric spewed more hot air than a convoy of gas-guzzlers. This tone-deaf arrogance isn’t just a symptom of Inslee’s fragile ego — it’s emblematic of the Left’s failure to sell their radical environmental agenda to anyone outside their echo chamber.

“We had some miscreants try to repeal our Climate Commitment Act,” he said. “We thrashed them. We defeated them.”

Initiative 2117 would have repealed Inslee’s cap-and-trade scheme, a policy he sold to Washingtonians with the false promise that it would only add “pennies” to the price of gas. But even his own government’s data exposed that lie, revealing much steeper costs for consumers. Despite these deceptions, the legislature pushed the law through. Conservative activist Brian Heywood spearheaded the effort to let voters decide, sponsoring the initiative to repeal the so-called Climate Commitment Act. It easily garnered enough signatures to make the November ballot.

Yet, Inslee and his allies unleashed a deluge of propaganda, pouring tens of millions into an effort designed to mislead the public about the initiative’s impacts. The result? Voters, inundated with misinformation, rejected it by a roughly 60% to 40% margin.

Inslee’s gloating exposes his insecurity. He knows he got away with a bait-and-switch on Washingtonians and still felt compelled to mock those who dared to challenge him. This bitterness is a hallmark of a governor whose policies consistently fails to generate any positive results for the environment, despite branding himself around his environmentalism. His Climate Commitment Act doesn’t even track whether or not it reduces C02 emissions. That was precisely what Inslee claimed it was supposed to do.

And it’s Inslee’s shameful attitude that will soon catch up with him, like it already has with the movement he supports.

Why does Jay Inslee think calling us names is going to win us over?

Jay Inslee just can’t take the win. Instead, he defaults to what he always does: avoids making logical arguments to win people over and, instead, dives headfirst into petty name-calling. His latest performance? Bragging about forcing a left-wing policy through in deep blue Washington state while insulting anyone who dares to disagree with him. It’s vintage Inslee — self-righteous, dismissive and utterly devoid of self-awareness.

Don’t support his climate change alarmism? Well, congratulations, you’re a “climate denier” — a term so aggressively stupid it deserves to be endlessly mocked. Does anyone deny the climate exists? Or do they deny the fearmongering designed to bully people into accepting radical environmental plans that reshape the economy and seize control over nearly every aspect of our lives?

Inslee is a guy who still fumbles with a remote control, mistaking it for a cell phone while hollering at Trudi to help him figure out how to send an X post. Yet he postures as though he’s smarter and more enlightened than the rest of us.

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Eco-radicals like Jay Inslee aren’t trying to win us over

This smug superiority isn’t just Inslee’s problem — it’s the Radical Left’s entire strategy. Eco-radicals like Inslee don’t even bother trying to persuade skeptics anymore. Instead, they alienate anyone who won’t buy into their doomsday narrative. Why? Because they don’t need public support when they can just steamroll their agenda through anyway. That’s how they’ve always operated.

Inslee’s climate policies aren’t designed to win over hearts and minds — they’re meant to impose his will, no matter the cost. Whether it’s forcing consumers into electric vehicles they don’t want, jacking up gas prices they can’t afford or banning everything from natural gas to plastic bags that people want to use, the playbook is the same: insult the opposition, push unpopular policies and then pretend it’s all about “saving the planet.”

Inslee and his ilk don’t care what you think. They don’t have to. Their goal has never been consensus; it’s been control.

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Eco-radicals like Jay Inslee are about to get a wake-up call

Activists like Jay Inslee aren’t eco-leaders — they’re eco-dictators. They embody the very autocracy they falsely accused Donald Trump of representing.

These so-called environmental champions are driven less by a genuine love for the environment and more by their insatiable love of power and money. Does anyone really believe that Inslee and his like-minded radicals won’t immediately jump onto the board of some green organization that profits off the very eco-schemes they forced upon us while in office?

But guess what? The Radical Left’s strategy has failed.

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Donald Trump to the rescue

Americans are tired of being lectured, insulted and coerced into accepting policies that make life harder and more expensive under the guise of saving the planet. Inslee and his ilk are seeing their moment fade because people have had enough of their heavy-handed tactics and smug disdain for anyone who disagrees with them.

Enter President-elect Donald Trump, assembling a “dream team” of pragmatic leaders who prioritize results over ideology. Chris Wright at Energy and Doug Burgum at Interior, along with the rest of the National Energy Council, are poised to undo the damaging, unpopular mandates that were shoved down our throats. That’s their mission — one given to them by the American people who are fed up with eco-authoritarians like Inslee.

This team represents a shift back to reason and balance. They’ll strip away the overreach, rein in the bureaucratic zealots and restore policies that work for us all. With leadership focused on practicality rather than power plays, the country is ready to move forward, leaving behind the failed radicalism of the Inslees of the world. And we’ll all be better off for it.

Listen to The Jason Rantz Show on weekday afternoons from 3-7 p.m. on KTTH 770 AM (HD Radio 97.3 FM HD-Channel 3). Subscribe to the podcast here. Follow Jason Rantz on X, InstagramYouTube and Facebook.

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