Dori: Inslee planning to push COVID vax through 2024
Oct 15, 2021, 2:04 PM
(Source: TVW)
Gov. Jay Inslee has given himself extra-constitutional “emergency” powers for 19 months. Now it looks like he is planning to extend those powers for nearly three more years.
A state job posting shared with The Dori Monson Show shows that Inslee and the state are planning to push the vaccine until summer of 2024.
The job for a “vaccine coordinator” pays up to $72,000/year – and “This project position is currently funded through June 30th, 2024.”
So if you are hopeful there is an end in sight, it looks like that is not the plan. I’m sure our vaccine coordinator will be making sure everyone has gotten their boosters — and then our second, third, and fourth boosters. We’ll get to carry our medical records for years to get into restaurants and gyms.
If unvaccinated, you’ll get further marginalized and shunned for years.
And for Jay Inslee, he’ll no doubt get to extend his emergency powers for at least three more years — almost to the end of his third and final term as governor.
How convenient. When a governor has given himself unprecedented power over our lives, that must be very intoxicating. For Jay Inslee, it looks like that control over our jabs and jobs doesn’t have an end in sight.