Dori: Why I am certain the global warming cult is phony
Jan 7, 2018, 3:14 PM
(Rex Features via AP Images)
I don’t smoke cigarettes. And I never will
To me, the science is clear. Smoking increases your chances of dying.
That illustrates why I am certain the global warming cult is filled with nothing but money-grubbing phonies. If they believed everything they say, they would live their lives in a way that is consistent with their words.
For the last couple of decades, we’ve have the global warming cultists like Al Gore and Jay Inslee tell us that global warming is the greatest threat facing mankind. If they truly believed that, they would live their lives in a way that is consistent with their dire predictions. But they clearly don’t believe their own words.
Gore, who is closing in on being a billionaire thanks to his climate profiteering, certainly doesn’t live his life like someone who believes his own words, according to the Daily Signal:
“Gore’s 20-room, 10,070-square-foot, Colonial-style mansion consumed an average of 19,241 kilowatt-hours per month—more than 21.3 times that of the U.S. household average of 901 kilowatt-hours monthly.”
And that brings us to this weekend’s blockbuster Wall Street Journal expose on Governor Jay Inslee and his “climate adviser,” Chris Davis.
Davis’ wife was offered a teaching position in Morocco this year. So Chris Davis has been “commuting” from Marrakesh to New York to Washington for his job as the guv’s climate adviser.
As the WSJ reports:
“He incurred more than $3,700 in taxpayer-funded expenses. He emitted more than 4,500 pounds of carbon on the journey, according to a United Nations flight emissions calculator. The Governor’s office also approved $2,082 in expenses for Mr. Davis’s expedition from Morocco to Germany in November.”
Jay Inslee, in 2016, signed an executive order encouraging all citizens of Washington to telecommute if we can. He said that would, “Reduce transportation-related greenhouse-gas emissions.”
But, if one of his cronies wants to commute from Morocco to Washington, then that is somehow appropriate and acceptable?
This is a perfect example that the global warming cult doesn’t believe the emissions that spew out of their own mouths.
Do you believe their nonsense?