Defiant Snohomish barber says he’ll keep on cuttin’
May 4, 2020, 4:00 PM | Updated: Oct 8, 2024, 6:11 am

Bob Martin, owner of Stag barbershop in Snohomish, Wash., is defying the governor's stay-at-home order and continuing to cut hair. (Photo courtesy of Bob Martin)
(Photo courtesy of Bob Martin)
It’s fair to say my conversation with Snohomish barber Bob Martin was my most polarizing interview in a long, long time.
I was flooded with texts and e-mails after I talked with Barber Bob on Monday’s show. About 20% think he’s a dangerous man who should be forcibly shut down by the government. About 80% love his rebellion and believe he represents a growing number of business owners and unemployed people who want – need – to get back to work.
Nearly two weeks ago, Bob decided to violate Jay Inslee’s stay-at-home order and went back to cutting hair at the Stag barbershop in Snohomish. It’s all he knows to do. He’s been a barber since 1960 when the Marines told him that was one of his new assignments.
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He also has two disabled vets he’s hired to work alongside him at The Stag. He told me “those boys have kids – they need to get back to work.”
I asked him why he’s open in defiance of Jay Inslee.
“We have a dimwit for a governor. He’s tried to make us believe that he has some authority. And I believe Bill Gates is the money behind him pulling his strings like he’s a puppet … I have no respect for him.”
Yes, Bob thinks the Covid 19 death count is exaggerated and that shady operatives are manufacturing this economic crisis.
He honored the stay-at-home order at first, but then had had enough.
“Giving the benefit of the doubt, you don’t know how much truth is involved. As time went on, it was evident there was no truth to what they were trying to cram down our throat. I was at the point where I couldn’t swallow anymore.”
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“All the barbers need to open up their shops and don’t be afraid,” Bob said. “I’m not afraid of anything. I’m not going to let that pansy-*** (Inslee) tell me what to do.”
Then I asked, what if, after you’ve opened, they trace another outbreak back to your barber shop?
“Tell me how they’re going to do that? That’s a bunch of BS,” Bob said.
He also says he offers a shot of whiskey to anyone who wants to ward off bugs.
“The girls have their hair salons where they get a glass of champagne … or a glass of wine. I give ’em whiskey. This is a barber shop. This is a man’s place!”
So Marine vet Bob Martin is standing in defiance of Jay Inslee. It’s an ol’ west showdown in Snohomish! As I said, a lot of you think he’s dangerous. Even more (among my listeners) love his stance. After talking to Barber Bob, I’m convinced he’s definitely an American rebel.
Listen to the Dori Monson Show weekday afternoons from noon – 3 p.m. on KIRO Radio, 97.3 FM. Subscribe to the podcast here.