Hub of criminal activity demolished to the elation of Crown Hill neighbors
Jul 24, 2015, 4:20 PM | Updated: May 5, 2016, 10:53 pm

The parcel of land at the corner of NW 87th Street and 16th Avenue NW became a hub of illegal activity over the past several years. Town homes will replace a condemned warehouse. (City of Seattle)
(City of Seattle)
For years, a Crown Hill property has been giving nearby residents a headache and squatters a place to stay.
The parcel of land at the corner of NW 87th Street and 16th Avenue NW became a hub of illegal activity, after the property went neglected following a failed project.
Neighbors have seen squatting and all sorts of illicit activity. It basically became a drug pad, Crown Hill resident Dennis Galvin said. It’s been a problem since about 2009, he added.
Read about other projects going on in and around Seattle
Sitting on the property are a small warehouse and two sheds. Permits to demolish the warehouse and construct an 11-unit apartment were filed in the late 90s. An apartment building could have been the property’s — and neighbors — saving grace. However, the plans fell through.
The plan to transform the aging site into something more functional was rejuvenated in 2009, but the permit was cancelled due to inactivity, according to the city.
The site became a go-to for squatters and drug users. But no longer.
The property was purchased about a year ago. Demolition at the corner property was wrapping up mid-July.
Permits have been issued for the construction of two town homes, four live-work units, and two attached garages.
Though people in Seattle are up in arms about adding more multi-unit buildings and eliminating single-family homes, the neighbors near 1520 NW 87th St. might be rejoicing.
“The neighborhood is just ecstatic about it,” Galvin said. “They’re really happy to have something there that looks nice and will be kept up.”