Rantz: Inslee can’t muster 1 percent in poll, might not get invited to debate
Mar 29, 2019, 5:50 AM | Updated: 7:34 am
Things are looking worse and worse for Governor Jay Inslee’s presidential delusion. According to a brand new Quinnipiac poll, Inslee doesn’t even get 1 percent of support, despite frequent media appearances and constant campaigning.
RELATED: 73 percent of voters haven’t heard of Jay Inslee
RELATED: Gov. Jay Inslee has zero percent support for president
Womp, womp. Rep. Ilhan Omar may poll better in Israel than the governor on the national stage.
At this rate, Inslee won’t even be invited onto the two-night debate stage. Per Politico:
The DNC announced in February that a candidate must receive donations from at least 65,000 donors in at least 20 states, and poll at 1 percent or more in at least three polls to qualify for a spot on the debate stage.
Inslee isn’t alone — he’s joined at the very bottom of the polls by others you haven’t heard of, like John Delaney and Marianne Williamson. I honestly have no idea who either of those candidates are. But, also Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand who just officially entered the race. Unlike Inslee, though, she’s expected to pick up steam.
Inslee — unlikeable in person and on TV — aims to make global climate change his number one issue. But voters generally don’t support candidates based exclusively on this issue. If they were, voters have other candidates with better track records and stronger brands on the topic, like Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, both currently leading the poll.
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