A Seattle man is throwing a huge retirement party for his service dog
Jun 22, 2015, 3:40 PM | Updated: Oct 11, 2024, 10:13 am

Alex Stone and his best bud, service dog, Fraser. (Photo courtesy of Alex Stone)
(Photo courtesy of Alex Stone)
Seattle’s Alex Stone is never without his service dog, a super sweet and friendly black Lab named Fraser.
“I was born with cerebral palsy so that impacts my ability to walk,” Stone says. “I have limited dexterity. I get by pretty well with my hands but it’s not always pretty. Fraser’s just by my side to even the playing field.”
Stone got Fraser in 2006, back when he was 21 and getting ready to attend Seattle University.
“My biggest dream was to live independently on campus. So I knew I needed a little bit of help to realize that dream and was researching service dog organizations. Summit [Assistance Dogs] is a local organization. Fraser came into my life and helped me live independently, which was pretty huge.”
Fraser completely changed Stone’s life. He knows 60 commands, from picking up Alex’s dropped keys to carrying his books, turning on lights and pulling a laundry basket down the hall to the laundry room.
“I was really excited about the tasking that Fraser would do for me but one of the things I didn’t anticipate was the social benefit that Fraser brought into my life,” Stone said. “Before Fraser, I would notice I would have to be the outgoing one and start all of my social interaction. Just because people, I think, feel a little awkward when they see someone in a wheelchair. They don’t know whether to start an interaction that might not be able to finished on the other side.”
“So people would come up to me and talk about their dogs,” he said. “It gave me an opportunity to speak and show that I was a viable conversation partner.”
But Fraser is now 10-and-a-half years old — between 60 and 75 in human years — and he’s ready to retire from his role as service dog to being Alex’s pet. To honor his best friend, Alex is throwing a big, fundraising retirement party at Seattle U called Fraserfest.
“It was a bittersweet pill to swallow, to think about getting a new dog, and that of course means that Fraser’s no longer by my side,” Stone said. “He’s just done so much for me. Thinking about where my life was, before I got Fraser, dreaming of just living independently.”
“Then, ultimately, with Fraser by my side, we studied abroad in South Africa and did all sorts of crazy things,” he said. “So I knew that he needed a big celebration.”
But the retirement party is not just about Fraser. Stone is using the event to help others like the pair, as well.
“I also wanted to pay it forward a little bit, what Summit gave me with Fraser,” Stone said. “It’s a fundraiser for Summit, as well. The only thing I paid for Fraser was a $25 application fee so it’s a huge gift. With ticket sales, Summit is going to be getting a big chunk back for what they gave me with Fraser.”
The party is Saturday, June 27. In honor of Alex and Fraser’s experience in South Africa, there will be plenty of South African wine and the event will be hosted by Siv Ngesi, who was voted one of Cosmopolitan South Africa’s sexiest men of 2015.
“I actually met a South African actor/comedian while I was there who encouraged me to do stand-up comedy. So when it was time to start planning this party, I knew he’d be the perfect host,” Stone said. “He’s a household name over there. I think he’s in for a little bit of a shock when he comes to Seattle. He’s going to be able to go to the malls and go out to restaurants without people taking his photo. But hopefully, by the time he leaves, he’ll be a household name here, too.”
More than half of the ticket price will be donated to Anacortes’ Summit Assistance Dogs, where Alex is working while getting his masters degree. Click here to by your ticket to Fraserfest.