Rantz: Unhinged UW Professor pens pathetic ‘Resistance Anthem’ to protest Donald Trump
Jan 20, 2025, 4:55 PM | Updated: Jan 21, 2025, 4:12 pm
An unhinged University of Washington (UW) statistics professor penned a weird and pathetic “Resistance Anthem for the Trump Inauguration.” It’s apparently a way for him to help “restore democracy” in the aftermath of the landslide victory by President Donald Trump.
Professor Emeritus Michael Perlman of the UW Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, who retired in 2020, emailed his “anthem” to a listserv for the UW branch of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). UW faculty use the listserv to share virulently anti-Trump, anti-Israel, and anti-conservative propaganda and smears. It’s a near-daily, disturbing look at the radical and often unhinged beliefs of UW faculty.
The lyrics, dripping with melodrama, declare that “Virtue and Honor died” and “Integrity is cast aside,” as if democracy itself ceased to exist. It’s the sort of hyperbole that epitomizes how radical academia has become. Professors, supposedly entrusted with shaping young minds, now indulge in these overwrought displays of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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‘A Resistance Anthem for the Trump Inauguration’
Perlman’s anthem re-envisions “America,” by Samuel Francis Smith. It’s unclear what’s sadder: the anthem itself or the fact that he likely spent weeks writing it. Instead of a county representing a “sweet land of liberty,” Pearlman’s America lacks liberty and needs a “Resistance.” Here is “A Resistance Anthem for the Trump Inauguration”:
My Country, ’tis of Thee,
Land of lost Liberty,
Of Thee I sing.
Virtue and Honor died,
Gone is the Pilgrims’ Pride,
Integrity is cast aside,
Let Resistance ring.
Hate and Venality
Destroy Morality,
Sadly we sing.
The Vein of Fear is tapped,
The Well of Truth is capped,
Our Nation’s Strength is sapped,
Let Resistance ring.
They mock the Handicapped,
Let Resistance ring.
Noble and faithful ones,
Our march has just begun,
Proudly we sing:
Deplore Indecency,
Abhor Dishonesty,
Restore Democracy,
Let Resistance ring.
With Hands and Hearts untied,
Let Resistance ring.
From ev’ry Mountainside,
Let Resistance ring!
‘A Resistance to the Resistance Anthem for the Trump Inauguration’ by Jason Rantz
I wrote my own poem in response to Perlman’s Trump “Resistance” anthem. Mine is more entertaining.
In ivory towers, Professor Perlman writes,
A “Resistance Anthem,” filled with spite.
Unhinged verses, dripping disdain,
But his pathetic efforts are all in vain.
Under Donald Trump, our nation will thrive!
Economy will soar, hope will be revived!
While radicals rant, their influence wanes,
As American greatness firmly remains.
Professor Perlman, with mind deranged,
By Trump’s success, is deeply pained.
His “anthem” reeks of TDS,
A tantrum dressed as insufferable self-righteousness.
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‘The Resistance’ to Donald Trump is back
This anthem isn’t resistance; it’s a childish tantrum. It’s further proof that UW’s radical faculty is more interested in activism than education. And they wonder why public trust in higher education is eroding.
How does Pearlman plan to engage in resistance? He did not respond to a request for comment.
In Trump’s first term, the “Resistance” was a chaotic mix of violent 20-somethings who destroyed property and, in some cases, took innocent lives, alongside older white progressives donning bizarre pink hats and chanting slogans. The latter group seemed desperate to fill their empty days with a nostalgic imitation of their youth, back when they protested what they saw as injustices of the time. Lonely and coming to terms with their own mortality, they’ve found a new hobby after cheering on Joe Biden’s destruction of America.
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