Ross: Gov. Kristi Noem’s new book includes alleged meetings with dictators, dead dogs

May 6, 2024, 6:44 AM | Updated: 9:12 am

kristi noem book...

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump greets South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem after she introduced him at the Monument Leaders Rally hosted by the South Dakota Republican Party on September 08, 2023 in Rapid City, South Dakota. (Photo: Scott Olson, Getty Images)

(Photo: Scott Olson, Getty Images)

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem – considered a possible running mate for Donald Trump – has a new book out in which she explains that 20 years ago on her farm, she shot her 14-month-old dog because it was untrainable and was killing the chickens. She said she included the story because she’s tired of inauthentic politicians.

“I talk about it because what I’m tired of in this country is politicians who pretend to be something that they’re not,” Noem said.

Whereas she is someone who can take charge and does not shy away from tough challenges.

Except, for one particular tough challenge. In her book, she wrote, “I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. I’m sure he underestimated me.”

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On Face The Nation yesterday, Margaret Brennan asked her, point-blank: Did you meet Kim Jong Un?

“Well, you know, as soon as this was brought to my attention, I certainly made some changes and looked at this passage, and I’ve met with many, many world leaders,” Noem responded.

She wouldn’t give a direct answer, so Brennan tried again.

“So you did not meet with Kim Jong Un?” Brennan asked Noem. “That’s what you’re saying?”

“No, I met with many, many world leaders,” Noem answered.

It’s like you asked your kid, “Who broke the dish” and the kid responds with, “I’ve handled many, many dishes that did not break.” That’s not the question! So Brennan asked Noem the question again.

“I’m not going to talk about my specific meetings with world leaders,” Noem responded once more.

Nobody asked you about other world leaders, just the one! Did you meet him or not?

“I take responsibility for that being in the book,” Noem said. “And as soon as it was brought to my attention, I asked for it to be changed.”

But how does a mistake like that happen? This is like trying to figure out who overlooked the missing bolts. In this case, Brennan reminded Noem that she read the passage aloud for the audiobook.

“You didn’t catch these errors when you were recording it?” Brennan asked.

“I marked it as soon as it was brought to my attention,” Noem answered. “I took action to make sure that it was reflected. And listen, this is what is so discouraging about politics in the media today.”

The media! Always trying to find things out! How dare they!

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I understand a politician not wanting us to cover a sleazy sexual encounter. But this is the opposite. This is about not encountering someone. It was as if Kristi Noem wants us to think she actually did meet him, but that it was supposed to be a secret.

“There are world leaders that I’ve met with that are in this book and there are many that I met with that are not in this book, but I’m not going to talk to you about those personal meetings that I’ve had with world leaders,” Noem said.

And then she said that, even though the mention of the meeting with Kim Jong Un was taken out of the book, she is “not retracting anything.”

Not retracting anything? OK, but I have to say that this new generation of authentic politicians is sounding a lot like the old generation.

Listen to Seattle’s Morning News with Dave Ross and Colleen O’Brien weekday mornings from 5-9 a.m. on KIRO Newsradio, 97.3 FM. Subscribe to the podcast here.

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